I'm the breeder behind Ivie Huskies located in Greenville,NC. Our mission at Ivie Huskies will always first and foremost be to provide the best home for our Siberian Huskies. We are not a kennel. Our dogs are loved members of our family and their happiness takes precedence over all. We seek to raise our Huskies with sound, balanced temperaments. Exceptional temperaments combined with quality conformation and health allow our dogs to excel at being loving pets, great performance dogs, and successful exhibitors. Ivie Huskies is an active member of the Siberian community. We are a member of the Central North Carolina Siberian Husky Club and actively showing in UKC, IABCA, and AKC, we have earned multiple champion titles. We also participate in performance events with dogs currently holding FastCAT, CAT, Dock Diving, and Trick Dog titles. Our kennel has earned multiple recreation mushing titles. Ivie Huskies currently hold Wheel Dog and Wheel Dog Bronze titles via the Wheel Dog Reactional Mushing League. Our ultimate goal is to have Ivie Huskies carry on and preserve the Siberian Husky -- smart, strong athletes who are loving family members. We provide helpful information about the breed, as well as share our daily experiences, training tips, and conformation/performance journey.